Trial Exhibit : An effort to include all the proper fields for a summary virtual exhibit.
Town History Collection
Object ID:
1960 — 001 — 166 — 024
Object Name:
Scope & Content:
There are three sub—series: Major Anniversaries; Kingston Days; and General Histories. Anniversary celebrations of the founding of Kingston in 1694 are for the 225th in 1919, 250th in 1946, 275th in 1969, and 300th in 1994. Materials are in chronological order, and consist of widely distributed printed materials. There also is one folder with a program for the U.S. bicentennial celebration in 1976.

The Kingston Days series (1996 — 2002) consists of programs for 1996 — 1999, 2001 and 2002.

General histories (1867 —1994) date primarily from the latter half of the twentieth century and consist of articles, typed manuscripts, and photocopies of articles. Biographical information about Josiah Bartlett and General Stephen H. Gale is found in this series.
Bartlett, Josiah; Gale, Stephen H.
Kingston, Town of; Anniversaries; Tercentenary;Sestercentennial
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